Moving in integrity one step at a time.

Is your outside world in integrity with the truth that’s on the inside?

This question has been coming up for me more and more over the last few months and this morning it was like a huge road block, felt very much in my chest with a paralysis that took over my whole body….. what do you do next when all of the systems you are living in no longer feel aligned??? Well you let it all out to friends who get you, use essential oils and breathe, break down and ask for divine guidance.

Next thing I know I’m decluttering my social media starting with instagram, unfollowing people, making space for me to have choice over what energy comes into my awareness.

Wait……….. oh no i’ve removed ALL of my followers!!! 😂


Big mistake or Divine intervention!!?????

My friend sent this post to me that she came across after we spoke……. Divine confirmation me thinks!


I’ve also been drawn to coming back to my website, something I created before it was a big thing to build a business on social media. Something that I own and run and doesn’t get me to jump through hoops of ever changing algorithms.

And a place where if you are here, you have made the conscious choice to be here now reading this.

So you can find me here!!

There is an option to subscribe to my email list so you can be notified when I share information about Coaching, Oils, classes, health and anything else that moves me enough to share.

Thank you for being here.

with Love

Lisa x


Working with Me as your Coach.