My New 4week 1 on 1 Coaching Program for you with your child..... Yes you can de-stress, slow down, centre and rejuvenate all while being with your child/ren?

We harness the therapeutic benefits of nature, though strolls, Essential oils and massage..... such a divine combination!!!!

Side by side

Be there for You, be there for your Child!


1 on 1 coaching program


Do you struggle to find time for yourself?
Do you feel your self-care has to come AFTER you have taken care of everyone else?

What if you could de-stress, slow down, centre and rejuvenate all while being with your child/ren?

What if spending time outside in Nature was as beneficial for you as it is for your Child/ ren? A place where you allow yourself to slow down, No stress from the past or of the future, just here and now.

I believe our children have the answer ..........

Have you ever just watched your toddler explore? Have you noticed how completely absorbed they are in the world around them?
How they adore the present moment with no hesitation about the next; just simply responding to their body and impulses.
They see and feel the world around them with curiosity and wonder, exploration and adventure, YOU can find that place too! At your deepest level this is who you are!

This 1 on 1 coaching program is for you, side by side with your child.
Using my voice I will guide you back into your body and help you access the freedom of the present moment. These Strolls in Nature will help you connect to yourself and deepen the connection with your child(ren). The tools you will gain can be used anytime, anywhere enhancing your moment by moment experience.
Through the medium of nature, breath and your child/ren YOU CAN FEEL THE JOY AND PEACE THAT IS ALREADY WITHIN YOU.

Side by Side 1 on 1 coaching program involves:

2 x 60 minute Nature Strolls with your toddler. Guidance, meditation, visualisations throughout the stroll. 1 x 30 minute massage
1x 30 minute Essential oil consultation.

This 1-1 coaching program gives you the opportunity to have the sessions fully tailored to your specific needs.
Access to the, Walking back to You Facebook group.

What this program will cover:

As Nature, our Children and Ourselves are always changing, each session will unfold in alignment with what is needed on the day.

First part of the program focuses on ourselves and our own soothing and nourishment. .

Week 1
Conscious Breath: Learn how to breathe in a way that soothes, nourishes and enlivens you.

Get Grounded: I’ll guide you using grounding techniques to get back into your body and become centred.

Slowing down to stillness: We’ll look at how we move and how we can use movement to help us slow down, drop into the present moment, soothe the nervous system and open the heart.

Week 2

Follow our child: Using our new found awareness we centre and tune into the ebb and flow of our child/ren. Only questioning, teaching, guiding when invited by them. 

Be the observer, you’ll be amazed at what you see!!!!

Week 3

Healing touch: A 30 minute back, neck and shoulder massage to soothe the nervous system, ease aches and pains, ground into your body and experience the deep rest and nourishment that healing touch can bring to your mind, body and spirit.
The massage takes place at my home therapy room.

The healing massage may be replaced with a stroll supervised by me (with you more in charge than during the two previous strolls). This supervised stroll would be beneficial for a more hands off experience, while still receiving expert feedback.

Week 4

Taking the healing benefits of Mother Nature even further, we can utilise the power of plants and support our physical and emotional wellbeing. Every drop of dōTERRA essential oil is a power house of plant based goodness, free from toxins and impurities. These gifts from nature can help boost the immune system, regulate the mood, balance the hormones, and help support sleep.
We’ll look at which essential oils will support your current health and emotional state, highlighted to us during your Nature Stroll experience, and give you samples to try at home, bringing the outdoors in!
The Essential oil consultation will last 30 minutes and can be done in person or online.


Program Investment

Introductory offer £75

To book your place email



Benefits of being in Nature through Forest Bathing

Boosted immune system functioning, with an increase in the count of the body's Natural Killer (NK) cells.
Reduced blood pressure
Reduced stress
Improved mood
Increased ability to focus, even in children with ADHD
Accelerated recovery from surgery or illness
Increased energy level
Improved sleep

Benefits from regular practice include.

Deeper and clearer intuition
Increased flow of energy
Increased capacity to communicate with the land and its species Increased flow of eros/life force
Deepening of friendships
Overall increase in sense of happiness.



About Me.

I am passionate about healthy living, the body’s natural ability to heal and the way nature can be used to balance and restore our energy and well being. My love of the natural world is a constant source of inspiration in my life and practice.
I began exploring this natural and holistic way of experiencing the world back in 1995 when, after a lifetime of dancing and using my body to its fullest, persistent injuries and

lowered energy made me re-evaluate my path. So I began learning how to heal my body and raise my energy and through this journey became a qualified Sports Massage Therapist, Advance Sports Therapist, Reiki healer, fully qualified IIN health coach and wellness advocate for dōTERRA essential oils.

Through my business Truth Of You, I have combined what I have learnt so far and my different types of training to bring a holistic approach to health and well being to others.

More recently I had the privilege to become Mummy to my beautiful Son!!! This has been life changing and is transforming me and transforming the work I do. Seeing how precious and vulnerable our children are I now specialising in Supporting other woman to Nurture and look after themselves so they can be the most loving, tender, courageous versions of themselves for

their children.
Alongside being a Mother, running my health coaching and bodywork business I am transforming my garden in to a permaculture haven of nutritious home-grown food and a healing and restorative space to play and explore. I love to walk, practice yoga and dance - even if it is now in the comfort of my own home!